Words about Expressing Yourself

Kenneth Dickison
MEN - How to Transition to wearing tighter clothing by INVI

How to Transition to Wearing Tighter Clothing

Wearing tight clothing can be a great way to boost your confidence and feel more comfortable in your own skin. Not only does it showcase your body's natural curves and contours, but it can also help to create the illusion of a more toned and defined physique. 

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Kenneth Dickison
Article / Blog of how to get better gains by choosing the right underwear and shorts

Achieving Better Gains by Choosing the Right Underwear and Fitness Shorts

Benefits of choosing the right underwear and fitness shorts go beyond practicality. Proper gym attire can also boost confidence and motivation to exercise. When a man feels good about the way he looks, he is more likely to feel motivated to hit the gym and work towards his fitness goals.   

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Kenneth Dickison

THICC Thinking, A Movement Towards Being Thick-Positive

THICC means a heftier or muscular and broader man. Someone who is not just snack, but a whole buffet.  Men are beginning to embrace and apply this way of thinking and showcasing and working in the gym has to increase their ass and thighs. I personally find two different types of THICC men attractive… clean, polished, pressed, and smelling good is one, but the polar opposite is the man who is sweaty, disheveled, and a touch dirty from exercising in the gym, or working in his daily job. The only thing to make him even hotter is a smile and low...

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Kenneth Dickison

Layering - Expressing yourself in any weather condition without freezing or overheating

Cold weather is just around the corner… And the conversation around layering your clothing comes top of mind for us. Why? If not done properly, it can really be uncomfortable. I went on a mission to determine best practices and how to effectively use it to your advantage. I also wanted to start with the basics and over time add options beyond the base layer. So here is my story and the results of my research about layering in general to help you understand without having to research further. Starting out, I wanted to discover how to layer properly and create something that offers warmth...

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